Actualizaciones de proyectos

Il GRAZIE della direttrice della scuola per questo "miracolo d'amore" verso di loro:

On behalf of the entire community of St. Francis Xavier Nursery and Primary School – Kakore, and on my own behalf, I take this chance to thank God for his providence upon our school. Allow me also to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Caritas Antoniana –Italy for the wonders your generosity has done for this community.

I greatly thank you people of good will for your Financial support towards the construction of the kitchen and the Dining hall. May the Good Lord bless you abundantly.

Allow me to talk briefly on the past state of our Dining; It took us three years to put up a temporally dining as pupils used to sit under tree shades during meals. It was in 2009 when a temporally dining was built, it was a small, structure made of timber cut - offs and pupils would eat in shifts due to its small size but it was very helpful since it saved pupils from sitting under tree shades and the painful part of it under harsh weather/ climate.

As years passed on however, this structure started losing its shape when some timbers starting breaking away and falling off. The life of the pupils was in danger. This compelled Sr. Schola to write a Project Proposal for a permanent structure that would protect and safeguard the health of our children from which met your positive response.

As a school, we shall make sure that the remaining activities of installing electricity, painting and finishing up the verandah are completed. In our last Parents - Teachers Association General meeting , we committed ourselves to finish up this work Next Term.

Once a gain, allow me to thank you for your support and conclude inviting you to visit us and to see how God has changed the image of the school through you Caritas Antoniana. May God bless you

“IN GOD WE TRUST” As our School Motto states.

Yours in service

Sr. Consolata Orishaba

School Director

I am greatly humbled and I promise always to pray for you that God may always bless the work of your hands. You have really supported us. You have lifted us from nothing to some thing. You have tranformed our school. Thank you, Caritas Antoniana, Italy.

Proseguimento lavori

Prima parte dei lavori terminata

La struttura ha raggiunto un buon livello, come si vede dalle foto.

I lavori sono cominciati il 7 febbraio...

Dear Claudia Catani,

How are you doing? Greetings from Uganda, Particularly from the Daughters of Fatima and the pupils of St. Francis Xavier, Kakore.

We started the construction on 7th February as I had informed you and here are the updates of the work already done.

I continue to thank you for your support.

The attached are the photos showing how far we have gone.

God bless

Yours faithfully
Sr. Schola Kyobutungi

El proyecto

Questa congregazione autoctona conta 197 suore che prestano il loro servizio in Uganda nella scuola, negli ospedali nei seminari e nelle parrocchie.

La St. Francis Xavier Kakore Nursery and Primary school è nata nel 2007 per dare una istruzione ai bambini orfani e poveri. Attualmente ci sono 397 bambini dai 3 ai 15 anni.

Dopo aver costruito il dormitorio, devono ora affrontare il problema della cucina e del refettorio. Sono strutture provvisorie e fatiscenti con assoluta mancanza di igiene. L’esposizione agli agenti atmosferici non permette di cucinare e mangiare in condizioni sicuri. Il vento o le piogge che entrano nella cucina contaminano i cibi con la polvere che viene sollevata.

Chiedono quindi di poter costruire una nuova cucina con un refettorio.

Referente: Sr. Schola Kyobutungi, Daughters of Our Lady of Fatima